Frequently Asked Questions

If you are in an emergency case requiring an immediate attention, please call (+254)725 017068 . We will give you instructions and directions. We are located in Nairobi, at T-Mall 3rd Floor along Langata Road.

When you arrive at Parkview Dental, our staff will greet you and seat you in the waiting room. Once the dentist on call is ready to receive you, we will examine you as quickly as possible. The average waiting time is 15 minutes.

You may have referred yourself, have been referred by another specialist, or by Medical Insurance. We will discuss your problem and ask about your medical history. A thorough examination will then follow. We may request examinations and tests to assist and support our diagnosis.


Ordinary x-rays, panoramic mouth views, ultrasonography, endoscopy, CT-scan, bone mass density scanner, or laser imager (digital developer ) can be performed on location.


A Pediatrician is immediately available if needed.

Certain cases require injections for a quick and full recovery. These can include antibiotics, anti-inflammators, local anesthesia, or steroids.

Steroids and local anesthesia injections are administered by Doctors and anti-inflammators / antibiotics by an experienced nurse under our supervision.

We are able to undertake minor surgical procedures at our facility, using local anesthesia or superficial sedation.

Parkview Dental accepts most of the major medical covers.

If this is not your case, or if you have no insurance coverage then you will be expected to pay the bill in cash or credit card at the end of the consultation.

An estimate of consultation fees and costs, investigations, or procedures are available upon request.


There is plenty of parking space at Parkview Dental Centre.

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